Anand Rudra

About the facilitator

Being raised in a Shamanic culture by father (Mexican spirita and shaman) and by the grandmother (Yaqui Mexican Medical Woman). Since he was young, he was attracted to the esoterica world. He has been studying tarot, psycho-magia, symbology, ritualism, tantra, sacred geometry and shamanism. For the last 20 years, he has developed and rescue the ancient Kahula Tantra practices and Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga.

More to read:


Mothers Earth Breathing

A shamanic drumming journey to the origin of the heart! Sacred Breathwork accesses the sacred, the ontological foundations of being, for purposes of healing, deep worship, growth and transformation.

C.G.Jung knew that the “real therapy,” as he called it, “is the approach to the numinous” and it is only this that can release from the “curse of pathology.” Jung, a shaman for our time, built an entire depth psychology around the sacred and its numinous core, for he knew how important it is for modern people to retrieve relationship with It, and align their lives with it. A spiritual outlook on life is vital to psycho-spiritual health.

Tibetan Kama Sutra

Introduction to Tibetan Kama sutra, we will learn how much the mind, energy and embodiment are key factors in understanding pratibodha (mutual appreciation). The mind is linked to the process of primordial self-understanding in which we must embody desires, follow the lust, and then immerse ourselves in the passion of love. 

In this 3hr workshop we will explore the 64 arts of love which they take intimacy and sexuality to a superconscious experience. This is an experience in which you will be intimate.

You will need sarong, towel, massage oil, essential oil and come with a partner / training partner.