Gavin Bloemen

About the facilitator

Gavin Bloemen is a certified Shadow Work Coach, having trained for 10 years with the couple who brought Shadow Work to Europe in the 1980s. He is also a Vedic Astrologer and co-creator of the Groundwork - a 6 week course about love and relationships.


Exploring your Shadow through Archetypes

Let's take a dip into the aspects of you (and all of us) that have been deemed unacceptable in our culture or our upbringing, in subtle or obvious ways.

The decision to compartmentalise ourselves, whether done knowingly or unknowingly, is often to do with shame and the feelings or urges we push away are put “into Shadow” while we are still young.

When parts of our personality resides in the subconscious, we feel like we are never fully ourselves. This keeps us from owning our unique traits and greatness. It's time to live our greatness!

In this workshop, we invite you to take a look at what you may have put into shadow through some fun techniques and dialogue with other participants. You’ll leave with a solid commitment to live your best life with the help of some new accountability partners you’ll meet.

Transforming the Shadows in Relationship

Many of us run away from the difficult and dark sides of relationship or feel like something must be going wrong when dramas and conflicts arise, but what if the pain is a sign that something is going right? What if our loved ones were the perfect triggers for us to resolve the wounds we have accumulated around relating and truly stepping into our power? What if life was inviting us to turn towards the challenges, rather than away?

It’s time for us to transform the suffering sides of ourselves which arise so dramatically in our relationships, friendships, at home and at work. It’s time to stop struggling with the taboos, hiding the shameful, painful parts of ourselves which get triggered when we get close to others.

The more we feel shame for how we are, and what we truly deep down want, the more destructive we become. Our neediness, our sense of entitlement, our rage, our sense of being superior or inferior, our disempowerment, our selfishness – let’s accept and integrate these parts of us and begin to thrive in our relationship.