Nathalie Runeborg

About the host

Nathalie is a collective healer who loves to create meaningful and safe environment for people to meet in intimacy, where you are given the opportunity to heal emotionally, transcend into a more authentic and loving being and explore a deeper spiritual connection with yourself and others.

Her tantric journey began in 2006 by going through a lot of darkness and destructive patterns. After dealing with the massive grief she had been ignoring her entire life, and by reprogramming her thoughts, behaviors, etc. she was able to experience self love in a way she had never experienced before. A part of her died there in 2006 and a new being was born, like the bird Phoenix dying and rising from the ashes. She then stepped into her light, expanded her unconditional love, and set out to life in ecstasy. Since then, ongoing shadow work has been her new interest, and from 2010 her profession.

For almost two decades, she has spent much of her time at retreat centers in Sweden and internationally with focus on her own spiritual awakening and leadership courses involving dance therapy, tantra, body treatment and coaching. Today, she has 15 years of professional experience in the tantric field, is a certified Access Bars® Practitioner, dance therapist, spiritual and relationship coach. In addition to being one of the founders of the Malmö Tantra Festival, she is also chairman of the board for Sveriges tantrabehandlare och -utbildare and also spends lot of time on non-profit projects.

At Malmö Tantra Festival her main focus is to recruit workshop facilitators for a varied program content and coordinate workshop assistants to secure participants emotional safety.

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